domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

The Songs that changed my life...

Já se sabia que a Amy, vocalista do Evanescence, é fã da banda Depeche Mode e havia declarado algumas coisas em relação ao seu carinho pela mesma. Aqui está um artigo publicado, onde ela fala sobre suas preferências e cita a faixa "Halo" qualificando-a como genial e comenta sobre a força da letra em sua vida:


Depeche Mode

“You know how you love and song and listen to it on repeat? I definately did that with this song last year. So many of Depeche Mode’s songs are genius, and that one’s cool to me because it’s not about anything conventional. It’s about two people who are already in other relationships and it’s like he’s seducing her into hooking up. It’s really dark and cool, like “let’s just let go of the guilt for now, we’re going to pay for it later.

“— Amy Lee of Evanescence


 Crédito: Luciana Carvalho.

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